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The lawyer Valeria Capua is enrolled in the Register of Lawyers at the Council of the Bar Association of Palmi, of which she is also a member, as Councillor.
In 2017 she received the assignment, from the above mentioned Council , of Congress Delegate, at the National Forensic Council.
She graduated in law at the University of Reggio Calabria in December 2004 with a thesis on “International Law”, although she previously attended a university course at the Faculty of Law of the University of Perugia.
She has many years of professional experience in the field of civil law, dealing in particular with the sector related to family law, inheritance matters and the juvenile sector of protection of the rights of minors, both civil and criminal.
She attended the course as a civil mediator / conciliator at a training institution accredited by the Ministry of Justice, obtaining the certificate of civil and family mediator, which she regularly updates every two years. This figure is of great importance for the judicial system, because it allows the parties to reach an agreement even before starting the case, saving time and money for both the people involved and the State. Thanks to the family mediation, the couple has the possibility to negotiate and share decisions, from the point of view of the relationship between the partners and from the point of view of economic management so that shared agreements will also be more satisfying for the children. She is registered as an ordinary member, in the “Malala” Minors Chamber of Palmi, an association of lawyers who, with passion and frequency, work in the juvenile and family sector. She has carried out several studies and has managed disputes in civil matters. In particular, she follows the sectors of succession law, marital separation and divorce, civil unions, also gaining a good experience in the field of the conflicting relationships between the parents. Since 2015 she has been a member of the Kiwanis Club International, where she has carried out service activities, as well as organising events and demonstrations to raise funds for the realisation of projects planned every year, at national and international level, in favour of less well-off and fortunate minors. Since October 2021, she has hold the position of President of the KC Palmi/Piana di Gioia Tauro.