Notary in Palmi, with the office on the Corso Garibaldi nr. 94, enrolled in the role of notaries on 20/06/1986 President of the notaries of the District of Palmi Member of the Regional Notary Committee of Calabria (
Member of the National Commission for the third sector “at the National Council of Notaries President of the “Prison Fellowship Italia Onlus Association” ( based in Rome, which deals with prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families, associated with the international organization “Prison Fellowship International” ( based in Washington DC (USA), the largest organization in the world which operates in the field of detention, present in 132 countries on 5 continents. In this capacity he participated, in the years 2009/2010/2011, in editions 57, 58 and 59 of the American National Prayer Breakfast organized by the President of the United States of America and the American Congress.
The Prison Fellowship Italin Onlus Association carries out, among other things, in Italy the Sicomoro Project, an Italian Restorative Justice project that has received the patronage of the Ministry of Justice and brings together, within the prison, prisoners with definitive sentences and victims who have experienced the same crimes. President and founder of the Association “Victims Fellowship Italia Onlus “, ( based in Palmi, which deals with victims of crimes and their families. President of the Consortium of Enterprises” FISI (Federation of the Italian social enterprises ) “( Honorary President of the Cultural Association” L’Accademía del Sapere “. Member of the National Committee of the” Renewal in the Holy Spirit “Association ( From 2009 to 2011 member of the Commission of observation and impulse instituted at the Ministry of Justice with Ministerial Decree of 19 November 2009 nr 75/2/128.
Winner of the awards: “Città del Sole” 2011 edition delivered by the” Rotary Club International to
personalities who have particularly distinguished themselves in the fields of culture, profession and social commitment.
“Gens Aurea” 2012 edition delivered by the “Centaurea Onlus” Association to illustrious women who have particularly distinguished themselves in their profession and social commitment: “Marianna estate – humanitarian literature “ 2013 edition delivered by the” Marianna Foundation “to literary works in defence of human rights;
“Mimosa” 2015 edition delivered by the Council of Palmi and by the “Anassilaos” Association to women who have distinguished themselves in the field of culture, art, professions, social commitment. Co-author of the book “Tra le mura dell’anima” (http: //, published by sabbiarossaED, 2010, The book, in its second edition, has already been translated into 4 languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Author of the book “#nevalelapena”, published by Prison Fellowship Italia Onlus, 2019.